Bubble Boy

January 9, 2007. I have bubbles in my tubby tonight. I'm fascinated by the bubbles. Mommy put some on my head; and, I put my face down in them to feel them on my face. Here I am playing with my cup and ball. There's bubbles in my cup too!!

Fishy Face

January 8, 2007. I like to make fishy face!! I'm a fishy in purple water!!

I'm A Work Of Art!

January 8, 2007. Look at me ... I'm the Art work!! I got bath paints for Christmas. I'm trying them all out on me. Ain't I priceless??

Tubby Fun

January 8, 2007. Here I am playing in the tubby!! Yes, my water is purple thanks to my Curious George Fizzy Tablets Mommy and Daddy got me. I'm also playing with my Elmo Finger Paint/Bubbles that Auntie Lori and Uncie Kurt got me for Christmas. Can you tell how much fun I'm having!! I loved tubbies before; but, now they're even better!!!

Driving Daddy's Truck

January 6, 2007. Here I am with Daddy and Bailey in Daddy's big red truck. It used to be my Daddy's Daddy's truck. I like it. Daddy let me drive it down the road when Mommy went in the house.

Happy Baby

December 2006. Here's Rylie making faces while Mommy's trying to take his picture in front of the Christmas tree. He's holding a tube of bubbles from a wedding ... it almost looks like he's trying to sing into his microphone!! Isn't he just a little doll!!!

Fighting Over The TV

December 2006. I was trying to watch Spongebob when Taylor pushed me back. She said it was "her" TV!! We ended up sharing though ... we both stood with our noses almost touching the screen. That's something we have in common ... We love to watch TV!!

Present Inspector

December 2006. Since my little cousin Taylor is 3 months younger than me, I feel that it's my duty to inspect all her presents for her. That's what I'm doing here ... aren't I a good big cousin??

I Like This Present BEST!!

December 2006. Here I am still playing in Taylor's bear toy box. I think I like it best of all the presents!! She just wouldn't let me take it home with me!

Me & Balloon in the Toy Box

December 2006. Here I am with my balloon climbing into my cousin Taylor's new toy box. It's a collapsable doggie ... it's so cool!! We took turns climbing in and out. I had to help check out all her birthday toys!!


December 2006. Today I went to my cousin Taylor's 1st Birthday Party! Here is a picture of me watching Spongebob and holding a balloon. I played with this balloon all afternoon!! I LOVE BALLOONS!!!